Friday, December 30, 2011

thoughts and tattoos

So I've had a sort of revelation. For the longest time I've been trying to find something new, something better then what I used to do with my art. What I have realized is that, I don't need to find something new. Rather I need to return to my roots and do what I love, I just need to draw. With this in mind, I've decided that for my senior show, I'm just gonna bust out drawings all semester long and then decide which one's I want to put into my show. I'll combine sketches and inked/colored works. It's who I am and what I do. Why change that?

This is my latest version of my Sigma Nu tattoo design

Here is another tattoo idea. It combines the tools I use in my art with a sort of motto; write on the walls, get your ideas out there and don't be afraid to express yourself.

My thought's on returning to my roots provides the idea of going into tattooing. I don't have to come up with my own ideas, but I get to do something that I would love; draw on someone and leave a mark for everyone to see.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas and Frank und Stein

I got a Robotech Battroid Valkyrie model for Christmas. I found it online a while ago. But what I didn't realize was that the model was from 1990 (it's as old as me). I was hesitant to build it, but that was the reason why I asked for it, to build it. The problem I've run into now is what paint to use. Here's a picture of it.

I've also been thinking a lot about what I want to do for my senior show. Character design is something I've done sense middle school. Also, I'm constantly throwing story ideas around in my head. With this in mind I decided to revisit "Frank und Stein". I made some minor changes to the characters; still a very simple style. We'll see how they develop over the next few weeks.

Going off of the character design thought, I put some ink to a sketch of a comic page a drew last year. The story is about a character I made in high school named Six.

The image is a rough idea, considering there is no background.

I'm returning to my roots and I'm excited about art for the first time in a while.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Kim Jong-un

So those who have woken up by now should be aware that Kim Jong-il, the former ruler of North Korea died yesterday (or today, time zones are confusing). His 27 yr old son, Kim Jong-un has been named as new leader of North Korea.

His young age got me thinking about what male Americans are doing at 27, compared to running a country.

Decided to add some color to this one. (I photographed it instead of scanning, like I normally do, because my scanner is back at school)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

bye bye freedom

So I've started messing around with some comic stuff (strips, political, and a book idea).
These two images are just some sketches.

I sketched this idea out a week or so ago. It is my take on the Occupy movement. Honestly, if you are blind to the fact that this country is run by corporations, not citizens then you truly are the citizen the money grubbing whores want you to be.

This strip was drawn tonight after I heard the news that the new defense bill passed. If you are not aware, there is a clause in this bill, which grants the military the right to detain U.S. citizens with out due process.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm going to practice my rights (what little is left of them) daily. Even after the government has sold my soul to wall street and denied me the very freedoms this country was built on, I will speak up. This is of course not the current state of this country, but I fear we are heading down that road.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Wrapping up the semester

"Self" is my self portrait I made for printmaking.

"The upper hand" is a print I am currently finishing up. The meaning behind the work is left up to the viewer. The original idea was war v.s. peace, but as I sketched out the idea it turned into more of a gender war theme.

"Manhattan" was my first project for print making. It is inspired by the ten year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

"Tools of the Trade" was created using a plaster mold of a spray paint can. I then carved the government seal into the clay body and inlaid black underglaze, finishing with a clear glossy glaze.

Last, but not least, is the finished "Iron Rocket". This project was a huge pain in the ass, but I'm glad to see the finished product.

Over winter break my main focus is going to be figuring out what to do for my senior studio class. I don't know if I want to go with illustrations and comics or street art themed work. The biggest problem I'm running into is deciding what element of my artistic talent will really push my creativity to a new level.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Is this Justice?

This world is in a phase of revolution. The Middle East has erupted with the voices of the people, the people who have for so long been oppressed. They have found freedom. But in the aftermath of months of protests and conflicts, here in America I see a new movement coming to life. At first they were put down for not having a single voice, but why should the masses be condensed to such a thing? The 99% is just that, it is everyone who does not run this country (My subconscious wanted to type company), who cannot sit in the office of politicians and drop cash and rewards for loyalty to those who control the 99%. Yet I see this movement coming of age. The government has moved to shut down the movement, to quiet the voices of the masses. But if there is one piece of hope that I hold in my heart is that, the people will not give up. We have seen the injustice of this world, of this country, of the money grubbing whores in their penthouses. I hold hope that the voice of the people will breach their gold plated doors and they will see that America wants equality, and it will get it one way or another.

Monday, November 7, 2011

what's new?

So I've got a couple school projects going on right now. I have to finish glazing "Iron Rocket" (which I really don't feel like doing). I also have some cast clay molds that just came out of the bisque firing which need to be finished with a gloss glaze. To add to the pile of ceramics work, I am making four smaller robots (action figure size) complete with plastic packaging. I just finished my self portrait for print making (should have an image up as soon as I get more batteries for my camera). Tonight I sketch out to tattoo concepts for some friends back home. All in all I'm pretty busy, but I'm enjoying the different projects I have underway.

stay tuned for images soon.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wake Up

There comes a point in your life when you realize that the way things are going just doesn't (and will not) work. It may be a long time coming, or a sudden revelation. Either way, there is this feeling that something must change. That feeling is resting in my heart and is constantly on my mind. I've begun the change, but it is a long metamorphoses. It will not happen over night or in a week. This transformation is a total change of who I am. I have to change my priorities and focus on my education, even if it means being tired all day. I have to realize that I cannot fix problems on my own and because of that I do not need to involve myself in every issue that comes to my attention. All I know is that I must prepare for the long haul. This road I have started down will be rocky and uneven, but at the end there is an oasis, a peaceful place where I am who I want to be.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Busy busy busy

I've been rather busy the last couple of weeks. Between Fraternity stuff, two weddings, and regular school work I've all but gone insane.

Here is the poster I designed for the up coming philanthropy event at Sigma Nu.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Iron Rocket

My current project for Intermediate Ceramics is to construct a robot with a defined purpose. I chose to build I robot who fights of invading aliens. It's simple concept with a lot of room to play. Inspired by toys and cartoons shows from my childhood, the Iron Rocket comes stomping through the ruins of a city, hunting for the invaders.

Shown below is the model I built first to figure out some of the physics that would go into the construction of the full size piece.

Pictured here is another view of the final construction.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Have you ever really considered what goes in to the creation and construction of monuments and memorials?
I recently started reading a book called Critical Issues in Public Art which is a collection of essays related to monuments and other public art works. The first reading was about the Washington Monument and it got me thinking about what public works of art really mean to me. To me, the Washington monument really only relates to George Washington through it's title. This realization forces me to question whether or not other monuments really educate us on the concepts they are meant to represent.
Last week I was asked to build a Luminary Float for 9/11, which will be set adrift on a small pond at Gettysburg College. My first thought was to build a silhouette of the twin towers. This clearly ignores the victims from flight 93 and the Pentagon. But it does reflect the modern mythology behind that day. Too often do we forget about all those who where affected by the attacks. We forget about the Emergency Personnel whole sacrificed so much to insure the safety of others. This also raises the question of whether or not memorial services should bring to question whether or not the lives lost to the wars carried out in the name of justice for the victims of that day are really worth the gain. Everyone has their own story and therefore every memorial cannot share each side of that story. All artists can try to do is give an equal representation.

My thoughts and prayers go out to every person who has been impacted by terror attacks here in the US and elsewhere around the world.

(Luminary Float being light and sent out on to Quarry lake by two students (one being in ROTC) on September 11th, 2011)

Friday, August 19, 2011


Here are a couple sketches I made yesterday.
The First is of me a few years ago when I shaved my head bald for the first time. I've got the Lex Luther look goin on.
The Second is of my good friend Khris from college.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Senior Year

So senior year is just around the corner. I'm hoping that this will be my most productive year in college for art. I've got a lot of things planned: drawing, painting, print making, sculpture, and working more in depth on my comic Frank und Stein.

Here goes nothing

Sunday, June 12, 2011


I leave tomorrow to work for seven weeks straight at Camp Sinoquipe (a Boy Scout Camp). I'm hoping I'll be able to get a lot of drawing time in and post some fresh stuff on here in a couple of weeks.

Until then enjoy some bikes.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

sigma nu tattoo

I've been throwing this idea around in my head for a few months now and finally took the time to make a color painting of it. its not perfect but, I want to get a tattoo of it some day soon.

frank und stein 001

Here is my first attempt to color a comic strip. Its not bad but I need a lot more practice. Enjoy.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cookie Cutter Art

Someone please tell me how hard it is to redraw a cartoon character or how strenuous it is to draw faces on random fruit and take snapshots of em. Really you call this art? Why can't people come up with something fucking original. The fact that people buy this cookie cutter shit as art really makes me wonder how the hell anyone is really supposed to make it as an artist. I understand that people learn to draw by recreating other artist's work. But there comes a point in time when you really need to step away, grow up, and prove that you can be original to some degree. I like to feel that I learned to draw by looking at anime and manga, but it took maybe a year or two for me to start coming up with my own characters. They were shit of course, but at least I threw the cookie cutter out. If you have nothing original to share with the world, maybe you should put the crayons down and try out for American Idol, I hear they are in the business of cookie cutting.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Some exciting news!

So I was informed a few days ago that my graffiti piece (the one I filmed) Is going to be featured as the cover of The Mercury, Gettysburg College's Arts and Literature Magazine. I always doubt my artistic ability, but moments of recognition like this keep me moving. It is a great aspect for one to be humble about their work. But this characteristic cannot survive in this world without something pushing the artist forward, otherwise I would just sit in my room drawing my life away, never showing my work to anyone. So as the title states I am very excited and inspired to push myself.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

too much time.

So I finally sat down to clean up a sketch I made a while ago. I currently have a comic strip in the works, it's scanned and cleaned up, I just have to decide if I wanna go with grayscale or color.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

from here on out

I've notice that I am a stick lost in the stream. Floating with the current into the obis that is the ocean of the world. I'm not one to contemplate my life to often, rather I just go about my business from day to day. But this is a problem. I draw, sculpt, and carve, yet I have no idea where my inspiration comes from. This is why I am here now. over the next few weeks I want to examine my past and try and find why I create what I create.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

March On

These are not collective thoughts, just remarks on my future.
It's hard to forget the struggles I went through last semester, academically, personally, and emotionally. I could compare it to moments during my High School career. Moments when I had not hope and felt to purpose. But I've had some time away from the chaos of school; some time to relax and collect myself.
Old habits are hard to forget but I'm working to erase them from my life. This semester isn't going to be an easy one, but I hope I now have the drive to succeed, to push myself in my studies, my art work, and empower myself to change my outlook on a few things.
I've spent the past few weeks with those who are important to me. That's the big reason behind my lack of art work right now, but the time was definitely needed.
As the hours count down to my return to college, the time grows closer to set some goals, fill some pretty big shoes, and march on.