Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Is this Justice?

This world is in a phase of revolution. The Middle East has erupted with the voices of the people, the people who have for so long been oppressed. They have found freedom. But in the aftermath of months of protests and conflicts, here in America I see a new movement coming to life. At first they were put down for not having a single voice, but why should the masses be condensed to such a thing? The 99% is just that, it is everyone who does not run this country (My subconscious wanted to type company), who cannot sit in the office of politicians and drop cash and rewards for loyalty to those who control the 99%. Yet I see this movement coming of age. The government has moved to shut down the movement, to quiet the voices of the masses. But if there is one piece of hope that I hold in my heart is that, the people will not give up. We have seen the injustice of this world, of this country, of the money grubbing whores in their penthouses. I hold hope that the voice of the people will breach their gold plated doors and they will see that America wants equality, and it will get it one way or another.

Monday, November 7, 2011

what's new?

So I've got a couple school projects going on right now. I have to finish glazing "Iron Rocket" (which I really don't feel like doing). I also have some cast clay molds that just came out of the bisque firing which need to be finished with a gloss glaze. To add to the pile of ceramics work, I am making four smaller robots (action figure size) complete with plastic packaging. I just finished my self portrait for print making (should have an image up as soon as I get more batteries for my camera). Tonight I sketch out to tattoo concepts for some friends back home. All in all I'm pretty busy, but I'm enjoying the different projects I have underway.

stay tuned for images soon.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wake Up

There comes a point in your life when you realize that the way things are going just doesn't (and will not) work. It may be a long time coming, or a sudden revelation. Either way, there is this feeling that something must change. That feeling is resting in my heart and is constantly on my mind. I've begun the change, but it is a long metamorphoses. It will not happen over night or in a week. This transformation is a total change of who I am. I have to change my priorities and focus on my education, even if it means being tired all day. I have to realize that I cannot fix problems on my own and because of that I do not need to involve myself in every issue that comes to my attention. All I know is that I must prepare for the long haul. This road I have started down will be rocky and uneven, but at the end there is an oasis, a peaceful place where I am who I want to be.