Wednesday, November 13, 2013

the workings of my mind

Many people keep journals or diaries. The idea of writing down the days events helps individuals remember specific events and helps them understand my they think the way they do. I've kept a journal sense high school. But instead of words, my thoughts are visions; images that depict concepts and ideas that I cannot put into words. I remember once in high school, I lost one of my sketchbooks. It was about half way full and it killed me inside to know that I could never look back and see what visions and ideas I had had during that period of time. I started marking the outside of my sketchbooks with the month/year I started and ended drawing in the book. I don't keep specific dates because usually the thoughts i sketch out are ideas that build up for a few days, most of the time they are just random thoughts though. Here are some sketches from between 2010 and now that I don't think I ever posted.

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