I took some time this week to start packing up my studio for the move. There are something's I will not be able to take to Texas with me. It sucks but I can sacrifice some studio space for a new place and new people. I also took the time to work a few projects.
I finally painted my longboard. I used the idea of the yellow bird that I did an illustration of not too long ago. Over all if think it turned out great.
I also started on a new painting of "The Gods". I did not like how the illustration on paper was turning out so I took the old painting of the god of capitalism and sprayed over it. So far I just have the layout and figures sketched out.
Finally I did a quick sketch of my comic characters in pen. I like the raw look of the gesture type sketch. I did not use pencil by I wanted to see how they would look just sketched out in pen.