"Modern Day Religion"
This world is filled with some many problems, but there are aspects of
society within this country, which the people hold in high regard, aspects,
which make this nation, in their eyes, the best country in the world. These
aspects include the ideas of democracy, knowledge, freedom, free speech,
justice, and equality. My goal with this series of paintings is to illustrate
how these ideas have become a sort of modern day religion; ideals we praise.
Hidden within these ideals though are elements of evil. They construct a system
filled with flaws. Images of holy figures that appear dark and menacing, in
addition to images of demons embodying the freedoms this country grants every
individual, create a mythology of the good and bad of modern day society. This
set of work is meant to illustrate that, which we praise in this society, while
at the same time shedding light on the evil that lingers, unseen by the masses.
"Gods of Today"
"Demons of Speech"
"Angels: Equality and Justice"